电影研究客座助理教授 杰夫比 is an Oscar-shortlisted writer/director who has created short films, features, and documentaries. 最近,贝米斯联合执导 布鲁克斯县失踪案该剧将在PBS电视台首播 独立的镜头 1月31日晚上10点.m. 东部(查看当地列表). 这部电影也将在PBS视频应用程序上播放. The feature documentary—co-directed with 丽莎Molomot and executive produced by Abigail Disney/Fork Films and Engel Entertainment—shines a light on the missing migrant crisis in South Texas. It is an ITVS co-production with funding provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Bemiss is a graduate of the University of Southern California film school and the L.A. Sanford Meisner Academy and is a Connecticut Artist Fellow and a Film Independent Fast Track Fellow. 他的电影 《书与玫瑰 (2001) was a semi-finalist for the Academy Award for best live action short film.

作为信誉最好的网投十大平台的一部分 电影研究课程 自2013年以来, 贝米斯教授电影制作入门, 除了编剧课程之外, 先进的电影, 和编辑. “现在纪录片正处于黄金时期,贝米斯说, noting the recent mainstream success of documentary films in theaters and online streaming services. “纪录片, students have the best chance to create successful films that an audience will respond to. Documentary presents you with the story—you just have to recognize it and figure out how to tell it.”

Below, Bemiss discusses his filmmaking experiences and how he uses them to teach Trinity students.



我8岁的时候 星球大战 它的出现点燃了我的想象力. 它把一代学生送进了电影学院,我就是其中之一. T在这里’s no one route to becoming a filmmaker; generally, 你要么从制片助理做起, 或者你可以直接指挥, 哪条路更独立. 大学毕业几年,我制作了一部30分钟的剧本电影, 《书与玫瑰, which became one of 10 semi-finalists for the Oscar for best short film. 从那以后,我参与了各种各样的项目,并开始教书. 在某一时刻, 我厌倦了等待工作许可, 以财政支持和投资者的形式, 所以我对纪录片产生了兴趣. Scripted film takes an enormous amount of money for casting and locations to even start. With documentary, if you have an idea and a camera, you can just begin. 我有点迷上它了.

你拍摄最近一部电影的动机是什么? 布鲁克斯县失踪案?

电影研究客座助理教授杰夫·贝米斯 with co-director 丽莎Molomot.

我在这部电影中遇到了我的联合导演, 丽莎Molomot, 我们都在这里教书,我们想一起工作. 就在她去亚利桑那后不久, I heard a radio documentary about a forensic scientist named Lori 贝克 at Baylor University, who was doing the work of exhuming anonymous migrants buried in south Texas. She was trying to identify them to bring closure to their families who had no idea what happened to them. I was very moved by it for some reason; I do have some family from Mexico. 丽莎和我联系了. 贝克, who invited us to Texas and took us to Brooks County; it’s not even a border county, 但这就是问题所在. It went from what we thought would be a short profile of this forensic scientist to a four-year endeavor to document and film what was going on in Brooks County.


Kate Spradley of Texas State University in a shot from ‘布鲁克斯县失踪案.’
Kate Spradley of Texas State University in a shot from ‘布鲁克斯县失踪案.’

大多数纪录片的关键在于获取. Building trust with the participants in the film was slow-going at the beginning. 这不是我们要拍的电影. 当故事发生转折时,它就变成了一个寻找故事的过程. We made 15 trips in total to Brooks County—usually for about two to three weeks each trip. It got really complicated; we met volunteers and activists, 法官, 殡葬业, 地方治安官, 最重要的是,我们会见了失踪人员的家属. 我们拍摄了大约四年. 美国公共广播公司(PBS)作为该片的联合制片人介入,这就像是一场救援. 当他们上船的时候, 这使我们能够很好地完成这部电影, 这是我们当时努力想要做到的.


I think maybe a few thousand people have seen the film on the festival circuit. When PBS broadcasts it and it goes up on the PBS website, it will be seen by millions. Most people don’t know what’s happening in Brooks County, and when they see it, they may be shocked. 这不是一部公开的政治电影. 我们让每个人都有发言权, and viewers can make up their own minds—they just need to see what’s happening.

Omar Roman and Michelle Chinos post fliers in search of 首页ro Roman in ‘布鲁克斯县失踪案.’

It means a great deal to us to be able to reach an audience and we feel PBS is the right platform for this film. 它是免费的,所以任何人都可以看到. 电影具有令人难以置信的教学和教育能力. 它在传递情感体验方面也做得很好. If you can provide learning at the same time, to me that’s the ultimate achievement. This film allows people to witness something they don’t witness in their everyday life, 我认为它传达的信息很紧急. People are dying; this was the worst year ever for migrant deaths on our southwest border.

How do you use your filmmaking experiences to teach students at Trinity?

我总是试图把我的工作带回教室. 上个学期, 《电影研究概论,“我们看了两部纪录片, 其中之一是 布鲁克斯县失踪案. It made for an interesting discussion because the students were in the room with the filmmaker. 它改变了你学习和讨论的方式. It gave students a perspective on not just the study of film, but living the life of a filmmaker.

杰夫比 with the students who created the short film ‘科尔伯恩教练’ in a previous FILM 309 class.

T在这里 is also a special course, FILM 309, w在这里 we make one film in one semester together as a class. 第一天,我们不知道我们要做什么. We pitch ideas, we vote on them, we go out and make the film, we finish it, and we market it. 短片 科尔伯恩教练 是由上一个班级产生的吗, 并在大天空电影节首映, 然后周游世界. 这也是 三一电影节 at Cinestudio都是学院的瑰宝.

Teaching is wonderful because it allows me to share my passion for filmmaking every single day. 它使我精神饱满,精力充沛. 如果我在自己的电影项目上遇到了令人沮丧的一天, 我总是有教室和我的学生来鼓舞我. 当然, watching students go into the film industry and become storytellers in this medium is one of the great joys of teaching.

What do you hope Trinity students learn from your courses and your filmmaking experiences?

Not every student in a filmmaking class at Trinity is going to become a filmmaker or media creator. 然而,他们都将继续成为媒体消费者. I like to balance the classes with liberal arts learning and technical learning. We do things in filmmaking that focus on the idea and the expression of the idea. 不仅仅是摄影和编辑,还有写作, 合作, 批判性思维, which are all part of the traditional core liberal arts pursuits that will take any student further in life. Liberal arts can teach the value of the idea and the expression of the idea. 我认为这在所有领域都很有价值,不仅仅是在电影领域.

布鲁克斯县失踪案 将在PBS首播 独立的镜头 1月31日晚上10点.m. 东部(查看当地列表). 请看下面的预告片. 这部电影也将在PBS视频应用程序上播放. 有关贝米斯和他的其他项目的更多信息,请访问 www.unit-of-light.com.

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